Community Outreach:​
- Food Pantry
- Reaching Out to the Community
- Back Pack Ministry
- Lunch in the Park
- Fourth of July Parade

Church Annual Events:​
- Strawberry Festival
- Chicken BBQ
- Fall Festival
- Craft Show
- Harvest Dinner
Dear Friends,
Making the decision to retire was not an easy one, as I had to make the choice to step away from doing what I have loved doing so very much. God called me into ministry when the timing was just right, and the timing is once again in place as I take this next faithful step into my retirement. However, I would have never imagined that the last 3 months of my time here as your Pastor, would have been spent so far apart due to the ever so necessary “stay at home order”. Being able to be together for my last two Sundays has proven to be so uplifting for my soul, as I was able to see and speak to you all once again.
I have been so blessed to have been your Pastor for the last six years. It has passed by in the blink of an eye, and the memories we have made will carry me through a lifetime. We share memories of joys, celebrations, losses, and challenges that have made us come together as a Church. Together, we have brought our gifts and talents, offered them to God, and in turn grown closer to God and one another in that beautiful process. So, with all of this, saying good-bye is not easy, nor should it be. Years from now when I think of you, a smile will emerge for the world to see, and another will be imprinted on my soul that I will forever feel with my heart.
The blessing of knowing, and working with you has enriched my life beyond measure. I have especially appreciated all your love, understanding, support and care in the time of Allen’s illnesses. I will never be able to express how much your prayers and love have meant to me. But it truly is now time for the next chapter, both for myself and for you. I welcome, along with you, Rev. Crystal Thomas, and her family.
I am excited for Pastor Crystal to join you to share her new ideas, gifts, perspectives, and new life she will add to your church. I ask that you step out in faith and let the spirit lead you in this new pastoral transition.
I want to continue our ties of Christian love and friendship, but I would be disappointed if these ties interfered in any way with your relationship with Pastor Crystal. The best way to do that is to welcome her as your Pastor, call her, not me, when you are in need of pastoral guidance. Whether there is a death in the family, someone going to the hospital, or the happy occasion of a wedding, or baptism.
When you need your Pastor, call Pastor Crystal, even if at present you don’t know her as well. This does not mean that I can never return. I will only return to assist at her invitation, as this is the best way for your new Pastor to minister, serve, and be accepted. One pastor’s work ends where another’s begins.
I can enjoy my retirement knowing that you are now led by such a gifted Pastor. The greatest gift you could give to me now is for me knowing that you will give Pastor Crystal the love and support that you have always given to me. My friends, since I am not moving from the Hanover/Horton area, I won’t say “good-bye” because I know we will see one another from time to time. Thank you again, for all your love and support.
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Pat